I get to parent this child?
No, Grace is wonderful. Lately, she is especially proud when she can accomplish something alone, stating, "I did all my-self." Emphasis on the "my". And, at almost three she can do many things for herself like pull her pants up and down for using the potty, drink from a big kid cup, hang her coat on a hook, feed Daisy, and put her shoes on. Today she dragged the big trash can into the garage from the curb. Really? How old is she? That trash can is twice her size. Grace loves to help when I am cooking or cleaning and it makes me laugh when I see her pretending to talk on the phone with a toy cell phone perched between her ear and shoulder. I can only hear her half of the "conversation" which includes a lot of "uh-huhs" and "okays". Hmmmm...I wonder where she gets that!
I also love that Grace has a mind of her own. She knows what she wants and no degree of persuasion will influence her. Believe me, I try. She is open to bribery, though, which explains when she has a HUGE collection of toy cars from the Disney Cars movie. Bribery and just that she is so darn cute, how can we possibly resist when she asks for one?
Grace loves to "pack" things - her cars in a suitcase, her lizards in a purse, necklaces, coins, blocks, etc. The other night she put her Curious George in a suitcase and brought it to the kids' playroom at the gym. I know it is weird. But it worked. She was happy and I got to exercise. Sometimes she packs her Dora backpack and her Minnie Mouse rolling suitcase (which, by the way, has never been out of the house) and walks away for a few minutes. Then she returns to wherever I am and says, "I'm back. I missed you" and we go through this whole kissing and hugging routine. Love it!
Grace has also become quite the little mother to her American Girl doll, Miki. Yes, the doll she ignored at Christmas. Now, Miki takes center stage. Last night, Miki was riding in the grocery shopping cart which was full of play food and they walked from store to store (aka: room to room). Each room was a "store" and Grace kept telling me, "They closed. We try another store."
Are you laughing yet? This kid is a character.
She knows it is almost her birthday and she walks around reminding me, "It my birthday soon!" Oh yeah? I'm pretty sure I remember. But then she tells me, "I blow out my candles all my-self!" Funny kid.
Life is an adventure with this incredible child and even though I am dead tired, I wouldn't have it any other way.
Her little Grace-isms are so cute! :-) She'll love that you wrote them down some day.
And I lost...so I had to plan the bowling outing.
Just adorable...they are so charming! And I totally get the exhaustion part...
It's fun reading all the funny things Grace says and does. Nana and Ba laugh every time we here her say "I did it"
Oh Grace, I am so happy that Mommy is sharing all the stuff that Aunt Phyl is missing...makes me miss you even more.
You are so lucky to have Grace and she is so lucky to have you! I love reading about all the things she is now doing. They make me laugh outloud! Grace is just one happy kid!
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