Grace's class sat on the steps waiting for their turn.
Notice all the kids looking into the distance
at pictures of the ice cream choices on the side of the truck!
As soon as Grace sat down she said she wanted "Sponge Bob!
Waiting for her turn.
I think she was surprised that I was there.
I got a smile for the camera and a big kiss!
Notice all the kids looking into the distance
at pictures of the ice cream choices on the side of the truck!

I got a smile for the camera and a big kiss!

Grace you are getting too Big too Fast. I love the sneakers!
When Nana and Ba where small; the Ice Cream Man came on a bike with a ice refrigerator in front.We called him "The Good Humor Man".
What a nice class you have, Grace. Everyone seemed to wait their turn, with no pushing or shoving. How very nice~
What a great idea! I love that the ice cream truck comes to Grace's school. They banned the ice cream truck where we live because people said it was unsafe!!! The kids here don't know what they are missing these days!
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