Sunday, November 28, 2010
Just chillin'

Saturday, November 27, 2010
Girls' night
I had the wonderful treat of spending a Saturday afternoon and evening with these two awesome little girls.
They were great friends to each other - sharing, using kind words, and taking turns. I think they played with every toy we have at our house in addition to having a tea party, eating dinner, doing a craft, watching Finding Nemo, and "doctoring" each other.

Grace pretending to be sick so she could be "doctored".
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Saturday, November 20, 2010

Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Almost 3 1/2
Grace will be 3 1/2 next Tuesday. How did my baby go from
Seriously...when did that happen? The three years since we took that first photo over Thanksgiving weekend in 2007 have flown by. My baby is now my little "big" girl. She walks the fine line between still being my baby and being a preschooler who exerts her independence and a desire to try to do everything by herself. I love listening to Grace talk and watching her learn to do new things. But, I also love those times when she climbs in my lap to cuddle and tells me, "Mama, I don't want to get bigger". (She has started to call me "Mama" sometimes, and I kinda like it!)
So, at 3 1/2 Grace:
Seriously...when did that happen? The three years since we took that first photo over Thanksgiving weekend in 2007 have flown by. My baby is now my little "big" girl. She walks the fine line between still being my baby and being a preschooler who exerts her independence and a desire to try to do everything by herself. I love listening to Grace talk and watching her learn to do new things. But, I also love those times when she climbs in my lap to cuddle and tells me, "Mama, I don't want to get bigger". (She has started to call me "Mama" sometimes, and I kinda like it!)
So, at 3 1/2 Grace:
- wants to be a nurse when she grows up. I didn't even know she had an understanding of what types of jobs people do. And, I didn't know she knew what a nurse does. But, when I asked her she said "they help people who are sick".
- loves to hear her own voice echo. She will shout or just make funny sounds in places where her voice is amplified. If you are ever in a public bathroom with us, you will see what I mean.
- has become fascinated with puzzles. I can't say she is very good at them, but working on a puzzle is something that keeps her attention for a long time and I see improvement each time she does one. Although they are only 24 pieces, they are great for concentration, problem solving, matching, geometric and spatial reasoning, and pre-reading skills.
- can spell her name, tell what street she lives on (and that is HARD - our street name has three words to remember), and what city we live in. I am never going to lose her, but it sure makes me feel better knowing she can help someone find me if it ever happens!
- makes up nonsense stories when she is in the bathtub, playing on her own, or trying to delay bedtime. And, every story ends with "the end"!
- is a little monkey who tests my nerves by climbing and jumping on her bed, the couch, the stairs, the jungle gym at the park....pretty much anything!
- remembers everything! It amazes me sometimes how she tells me what direction I should turn the car, identifies family members in photos even if she hasn't seen them in a while, retells the details of stories we have read, sings the words to songs, and shares information she learned at school like what the American flag looks like or what and optical illusion is. But....Miss Stubborn will not tell you ANYTHING if she doesn't want to. No amount of coaxing or bribery will work. She just says, "I'm not talking now" or "Mommy, be quiet"..
- is a little diva and show-off when she wants someone's attention. Then, she will try to make funny faces, tell a joke, create silly words, or repeat something you said or mimic something you do. It is not funny! But it is funny to know that she is trying her hardest to bring the attention back in her direction.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Friday, November 12, 2010
I might regret this in January
Look what Santa is bringing Grace for Christmas! 

I found this cool kid-sized drum set in a local store. It is made by a company called First Act and their "Discovery" line is created specifically for kids ages 3-9. They use colored shape stickers to help kids learn which drum to hit as they figure out tempo, notes, and rhythm through games and songs. I like that they aren't a toy - the drums look and sound like an adult set....just a lot smaller. But I am a little worried about the "noise" that is going to be filling our house in a little over a month. :-)
Friday, November 5, 2010
All fired up

Monday, November 1, 2010
It was a fun-filled Halloween weekend that included trick-or-treating on both Saturday and Sunday, a bonfire at our friends' house, and baking jack-o-lantern cupcakes on Sunday to take to Kellie and Dawson's house.
Grace has been cooking with me a lot lately so she knows how to add and mix ingredients, but I was surprised that she was able to handle the electric mixer on her own. It is pretty heavy!

My favorite part of the entire weekend was watching our two princesses holding hands and enjoying the holiday together.
And, by the end of the evening, my little Snow White was ready to trade her fancy dress and sparkly shoes for these comfortable pajamas Nana and Ba sent her. It think she is going to have wonderful dreams in them....

Even the police gave out candy.
I have never seen that before!
The princess gave up walking and got a ride back to Kellie's house.

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