For the last couple of weeks, Grace has been asking to go to the zoo. We have a zoo pass and our local zoo is small enough that you can go for 1-2 hours and not have to make a full day trip out of it. We took advantage of a beautiful spring day when Kyle was at soccer to go "just the two of us".
Grace has been to this zoo so many times that she knows where everything is and she feels really comfortable leading the way. She told me as we entered that we needed to run on the rope bridge (check), ride the merry-go-round (check), ride the train (check), and make sure we saw the lions (check).

I also negotiated with her before we went ("What does negotiate mean, Mommy?") so I would be able to play with my camera and take some photos. I love a few that I got of the animals.
This one of the flamingo could be my favorite.
But I like this one, too. I just wish I had his eyes
in focus as well as the paw.
A professional wildlife photographer I know said you need to get the eyes when you photograph animals. I can imagine how hard that must be in the wild. It is a little easier at the zoo, I suppose, when you are lucky enough to find the animals awake and engaged. A lot of the time, they just seem bored. Grace is still my favorite subject to photograph. Especially when she cooperates!