Tonight, Kellie and I took our two little ballerinas to an outdoor ballet in one of the city's parks. This performance was part of a series that runs throughout the summer in different locations in our area.

The evening started with all the children being invited on stage with some university students who are majoring in dance. I was
shocked when Grace ran right up with all the other kids. She had to go around the back of the stage and up a flight of stairs
without me.

I watched her the entire way but I was down on the ground and she was about 8 feet above on the stage. In true New York fashion, she worked her way close to the front, which was perfect for me to see her and snap a few pictures as she watched the bigger girls and the director as they showed the kids how to stretch and do some simple dance moves.

After the "interactive children's movement workshop" the professional dancers performed. Again, Grace amazed me as she watched and then got up on the grass in front of us to mimic the dance movements she was seeing on stage. I wish I had my video camera because it was hysterical. After a while she found a stick and used it conduct the music.

I asked her on the way home if she liked the dancing or the music more....and, of course, she said the music! You can't see all of her shirt in these photos but it says
"Music makes my life colorful". Thanks, Nana for the perfect outfit for our music lover.