Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Princess and the pea

Today Grace got in trouble at daycare. At lunch as she tried to stuff a perfectly round, green pea in her nose, the teachers quickly caught and scolded her. When I went to pick her up, she immediately put her snack in the trash and came over to me for some cuddle time. She never does this. In fact, most days I have to pry her away from the toys, the "cars" outside, or her friends. It takes us many minutes to round up Grace and her things and say goodbye to everyone. Not today. She came right to me, asked to be held, and pointed to the door as if to say, "We need to go!" Now, I will gladly accept any and all cuddle time, but I knew right away that something was wrong. When I looked over her head at the teachers they told me what had happened. Apparently, they made a really big deal about the pea-in-the-nose incident so she would understand not to try it again. Good for them! Grace cried and the rest of the afternoon kept her distance from the teachers. Right before snack they asked her if she wanted to hug Miss Diana. Yes. Was Grace angry with Miss Diana? Yes. Did Grace want to hug Miss Jessie? Yes. Was Grace angry with Miss Jessie? Yes. Was Grace angry with Grace? No! Of course not. But I think she learned her lesson. (Insert satisfied smile here.)


cathybcareers said...

Grace' Nana and Ba where nervous to hear about The Pea Story at school today. I hope you will remember the good training the teachers did today. I love the hat!
Love Nana

Arena Mom said...

Oh, how funny!! At least it didn't get stuck! Looks like you are still having fun with the camera!

Kellie said...

Your pictures are looking good! I know it's not funny but, it did make me laugh. I can already tell, being two is going to be soooo much fun!